Teen Health Clinic-Children's Wisconsin

- Main Phone (262) 814-7080
- Main Fax (262) 432-9004
- Stay up to date on our most recent visitor guidelines.
We know the teen years can be difficult. Adolescents go through many physical, social, and emotional changes during their teens. The Teen Health Clinic has staff that is specially trained to help teens and young adults manage all the health problems they may face - from routine to serious. If you have questions and/or curious, no need to be scared to talk to us. We are a safe, confidential, and no judgment place.
Our Staff
Raj Chawla MD
Family MedicineNot accepting new patients
Melissa Vukovich APNP
Family Nurse Practitioner
Services offered
Menstrual (Periods) disorders
Evaluation and management of:
- Painful periods
- Heavy periods
- Irregular periods
- Absent/Lack of periods
Comprehensive reproductive health
- Confidential care using Family Planning only services
- Pap smear (1st at age 21)
- Insertion and removal of long-acting reversible contraceptives (Nexplanon)
- Contraception
- Emergency contraception
Menstrual period-related disorders
- Evaluation and treatment of PMS
- Evaluation and treatment of menstrual migraines
Menstrual management
- Teens with developmental delays or special needs
- Hormonal therapy as requirement for Accutane iPledge
- Hormonal treatment of acne
- Support and resources for patients and parents
- Menstrual suppression
Other services
- PreP
- STD testing and treatments
- Vaping/ Tobacco cessation
- School avoidance and frequent absenteeism
Connected with Children's
Teen Health Clinic carries with it the Children's name. That means you can take comfort in knowing your child's doctor is affiliated with one of the top Children's hospitals in the nation. Our pediatricians will connect you directly with the best available doctor if your child ever needs to see a specialist at the main hospital. And best of all, Children's specialists will keep your Teen Health primary care doctor updated on any tests, diagnoses, or treatments.
Request an appointment
To request an appointment at our Teen Health Clinic, use our online form or call (262) 814-7080.
Resources for teens and parents
- Vaping resources | https://truthinitiative.org/
- Guided meditation, resilience for teens | https://www.mindfulnessforteens.com/guided-meditations
- Healthy relationships, dating, personal safety | https://www.loveisrespect.org/
- Resource to build healthy eating habits | https://www.choosemyplate.gov/
- Vaping/smoking resources | https://www.aap.org/en-us/advocacy-and-policy/aap-health-initiatives/Richmond-Center/Pages/Electronic-Nicotine-Delivery-Systems.aspx
- Vaping/smoking quit resources | www.Lung.org/helpline
- Online interactive tool for vaping/smoking cessation | https://aspire2.mdanderson.org/
- Vaping/smoking in formation and quit resources | http://www.wiquitline.org/
- Partnership for tobacco-free WI | http://www.tobaccofreewisconsin.org/clean-indoor-air.html
- Mindfulness clock/bell to download | https://www.mindfulnessdc.org/bell
- Mindfulness, meditations, mental resilience; app to download | www.headspace.com
- Mindfulness, free app | www.smilingmind.com
- Support for grieving teens and families |https://www.healingheartsofwaukeshaco.org/
- Weekend camp for grieving teens and kids | https://www.camphopeforkids.org/
- Support for families of alcoholics | http://www.alanon-wi.org/
- Support for LGBTQ and family and friends | https://pflag.org/
- Milwaukee support and resources for LGBTQ | https://pflag.org/chapter/pflag-milwaukee
- Transgender support and resources | https://forge-wi.org/
- Anti-violence, sexual health, substance use, LGBTQ support | https://www.diverseandresilient.org/
- LGBTQ mental health support | https://www.thetrevorproject.org/
Comprehensive Reproductive Health (CRH)
- Family Planning Only link | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/fpos/index.htm
- Women's health resources-college age | www.bedsider.org/
- Connecting youth with sexual health resources | https://www.babycanwait.com/
- Making good choices, pregnancy prevention program | https://www.unitedwaygmwc.org/Agencies/PEARLS-for-Teen-Girls-Inc.htm
- Depo Provera Calendar | PDF
Resources (R)
- Health information for teens and young women | https://youngwomenshealth.org/
- Condoms, pregnancy prevention, STD's, relationships | https://www.414allmke.org/
- Children's Wisconsin teaching sheet | https://connect.chw.org/-/media/DocumentLibrary/Teaching-Sheets/1999EN.ashx | En Español
- Substance use and behavioral health treatment finder, help lines | https://www.samhsa.gov/find-treatment