Alicia C Zolkoske, MD

Children’s Wisconsin since 2016
  • Pediatric orthopedic physician, Children's Wisconsin
  • Assistant professor, Medical College of Wisconsin
Patient rating
4.7 out of 5
(34 Ratings, 0 Comments)




Pediatric orthopedics provides a unique opportunity to care for a wide variety of patients and families.  Whether it be establishing a longstanding relationship with parents who have developmental concerns about their newborn, the brief interaction of fracture care following an injury, or the many pediatric medical conditions in between- I enjoy the families I get to meet. Though the questions and concerns may vary,  the ultimate goal is for every family to feel that their child is a priority and to help these children maximize their potential while supporting them along the way.


  • Pediatrics

Areas of Interest

  • Pediatrics
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Education and Awards


  • 2013, Medical College of Wisconsin, MD


  • 2016, McGaw Med Ctr of Northwestern Univ - Pediatrics


  • 2017, Medical College of WI - Non-operative muscular-skeletal issues