It can be normal to have ear drainage after surgery. This may be tinged with blood and can last for a few days after surgery.
If your child was given ear drops, please follow the instructions on the bottle.
It is helpful to have your child lie on his or her side for a few minutes after ear drops are put in the ear, or put a cotton ball in the ear to keep the ear drops in place. This helps the ear drops work better. Learn more about ear drops.
Your child can do their normal activities the day after surgery, which includes going back to school, daycare and sports.
If the ear is still draining seven days after surgery, or if you notice bright red blood, thick mucus or foul smelling drainage, please call our office.
If you feel like the ear drainage coming out of the ear is so thick that the ear drops are not going in, please call our office. We may need to see your child to clean the ears out so the drops can work better.