Early or late puberty

Puberty is the period of time when a child’s body changes and matures, moving from childhood to adulthood. Your child will have changes in their physical body, their hormone levels and their emotional responses. Puberty usually starts around 10 in girls and 11 in boys.  

Sometimes puberty can happen early. This is called “precocious puberty.” Precocious puberty is when the signs of puberty start before 7 or 8 in girls and before 9 in boys. 

In some children, puberty can happen later. This is called “delayed puberty” or a “late bloomer.”

Different hormones control different aspects of pubertal changes. Some children need treatment and some don’t. 

More information

Early or precocious puberty

Delayed puberty

Early or late puberty care at Children's Wisconsin

  • At your child’s visit, our team gathers a medical history and performs a physical exam. During the physical exam, we can see which “grade” of puberty changes your child has had.
  • Based on your child’s and your family history, the team may need to get blood tests, an X-ray of the hand or other studies.
  • Only if needed, your family and the team will make a treatment plan for your child together.