Emerge Clinic

What is the Emerge Clinic?

The Emerge program treats children with:

  • Differences of sexual development or DSD
  • Disorders that affect the adrenal glands, called congenital adrenal hyperplasia or CAH.  A person is born with CAH.

What is DSD?

  • DSD are conditions that lead to a difference in how the urinary and genital tract develops.
  • A child with DSD may be born with external genitals that are not clearly male or female. This is known as ambiguous genitalia. 

What is CAH?

  • CAH is a disorder that babies are born with. It affects the adrenal glands of both girls and boys.
  • The adrenal glands make 3 important hormones:
    • Cortisol: This hormone helps with energy, blood pressure and blood sugar.
    • Aldosterone: This hormone helps to balance the salt and water in the body.
    • Androgens: This hormone helps with growth and sex functions in girls and boys. 

How do we get an appointment?

  • After a referral is made, our team will call your family to schedule an appointment.
  • Emerge Clinic meets once a month. 

What should we expect at clinic visits?

  • Children and families who are new to the Emerge Clinic will meet with all of our team members. This may be one-on-one or as a group.
  • Our Emerge team will review and discuss your information before the visit. We may ask more questions about your child’s past health, your family history, cultural background and preferences.
  • The first visit will be about one to two hours. Each family’s visit depends on their needs.
  • The Emerge Clinic asks families to be equal partners in the discussion and next steps for your child. We will ask for your thoughts and opinions.
  • The team may ask your child to have more tests. This is to help make decisions about their care.  

How is it treated? 

Treatment depends on each child’s problems. It can include medicines, surgery or no treatment at all. 
