Turner Syndrome Clinic

What is Turner syndrome?

  • Turner syndrome is a genetic condition that affects females.
  • Those with Turner syndrome are missing or partly missing one of their X chromosomes.
  • Turner syndrome affects patients in many different ways. Everybody’s care is different.

How do we get an appointment?

  • After a referral is made, the team works together to make an appointment with all the providers who need to see your child.
  • The clinic is held once a month. 

What should we expect at clinic visits?

  • Before your first visit, the team may ask for test results or information from visits to other specialists.
  • The first visits to clinic may last from one to four hours.
  • At the first visit, you will see endocrinology and genetics.
  • If any lab tests are needed, we will help you schedule them to be done the same day.
