

Aspiration – Breathing or inhaling food into the lungs or airway. This could lead to pneumonia.


Bolus tube feeding – Feeding a set amount at different times during the day. Feedings may be done in one or more ways. These may include syringe, gravity feeding or pump feedings.

Button gastrostomy – A short, skin level gastrostomy tube. (Chapter 1-6)


Cap – A cover that connects to the port of the feeding tube. This stops the stomach contents from leaking out. (Chapter 1-6)

Clamp – A device on the tube that pinches the tubing closed. This stops the stomach contents from leaking out.

Continuous drip feeding – Feeding given on a pump at a constant rate for a certain amount of time. (Chapter 3-5)


Dehydration – Can happen when the body does not get enough fluids. This could include less amount of pee, dry mouth and lips, or feeling dizzy.

Diarrhea – 3 or more loose or watery poops a day.

Dietitian – A person who is trained to create a feeding plan.

Dysphagia – Having a hard time swallowing.


Electrolyte – a nutrient that helps keep the body working.

Esophagus – The path for food to get from the mouth to the stomach. It is often called the swallowing tube.

Extension set – Tubing that connects to button tubes. It is used to give feedings and medicines.

External fixation device – A device on the tube that rests on the skin. It may look different depending on the type of tube. This helps keep the tube from wiggling and pulling.


Feeding Pump – A machine that feeds the formula to your child over a period of time.

Flush – An amount of water that is given to clear the tube of feedings or medicines. The amount depends on your child's needs and size.

Fundoplication (Nissen or Toupet) – Surgery that is done to treat gastroesophageal reflux. The top part of the stomach is wrapped around the lower part of the esophagus to create an internal valve. This valve will keep the stomach contents from going up into the esophagus.


G-tube resource nurse clinician – A nurse who is trained to care for the needs of children with G-tubes.

Gastroenterologist – A doctor who cares for people who have digestive or eating problems.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) – When stomach contents back up into the esophagus. This could cause pain, ulcers, vomiting, and aspiration.

Gastrojejunal feeding tube (GJ-tube) – A feeding tube that goes through the stomach and ends in the small intestine called the jejunum.

Gastrostomy tube (G-tube) – A tube that passes through the skin into the stomach. This tube may be used for feeding or venting the stomach.

Gauze – A bandage that protects the skin from drainage.

Granulation tissue – Extra growth of healing skin tissue. It is normally seen at the site where the tube comes out of the skin. It is pink, moist tissue. You may see thick, sticky, yellow, and green drainage.

Gravity drip feeding – A way of feeding only used for bolus feeding. The formula is poured into a feeding bag and the bag which is connected to the G-tube. The flow of the feeding is controlled with a roller clamp.


Jejunostomy tube (J-tube) – A jejunostomy tube is put directly into the small intestine. (Chapter 1-4)

Jejunum – Part of the small intestines. (Chapter 1-4)


Nutrients – Parts of food that nourish the body. This includes protein, carbohydrate, fat, vitamin, mineral, and water.


PEG tube (Percutaneous-placed Endoscopic G-tube) – One way of placing a G-tube. (Chapter 1-5)


Radiologist – A doctor who reads x-rays and images.


Site – The skin around where the tube is placed. (Chapter 1-4)

Small intestines – Part of the digestive tract between the stomach and the large intestines. (Chapter 1-4)

Stoma – The opening around the tube. (Chapter 1-4)

Stoma site – The opening and skin around the tube. (Chapter 1-4)

Stomach –This holds food during the early part of digestion. (Chapter 1-4)

Surgeon – A doctor who does surgery to put in the feeding tube.

Syringe – A plastic tube with a plunger. It is used to collect or push fluid into a feeding tube.


Tract – The tunnel opening from the skin into the stomach. (Chapter 1-4)


Units of measure:
mL = milliliter
30 mL = 1 ounce (oz)


Venting – A way to get extra air out of the stomach. This is another way to burp.


WIC (Women Infant Children) – This is a program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). It offers food, health care referrals, and nutrition education. It is for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women. It is also for infants and children up to age five who need help with getting food