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Neuro-oncology program tests and treatments
Cutting-edge diagnostic tests include:
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a radiation-free type of imaging method that allows doctors to see a very detailed picture of the brain and spine.
- Diffusion tensor imaging is a powerful imaging technique doctors use to see nerve connections in the brain without using radiation. Results from this test help to evaluate different types of tumors and plan for surgery.
- Diffusion weighted imaging is an advanced imaging capability that generates a specialized view of the tumor based on the way water molecules move in the tumor. This can help us determine if a tumor appears to be growing quickly.
- Magnetic resonance perfusion is an imaging technique that doctors use to see the flow and volume of blood going to the brain. This technique helps us diagnose certain types of tumors.
- Functional MRI is a technique that allows doctors to see a very detailed picture of how a patient's brain works. Results from this test are important because they help the neurosurgeon make sure important areas of brain aren't damaged during surgery.
- Magnetic resonance spectroscopy is a tool that allows doctors to understand the chemical composition of lesions in the brain. This information is helpful in diagnosing certain types of tumors.
- Pediatric stroke imaging combines several imaging processes: MRI, magnetic resonance angiography and magnetic resonance venography. None of these methods use radiation and help doctors find and understand strokes in children.
Radiation therapy:
- Proton beam radiation is a type of radiation therapy that allows extremely precise delivery of radiation energy. Unlike typical (“photon” radiation), a proton radiation beam goes only to the tumor, and stops before it hits any non-tumor tissue. This allows radiation oncologists to minimize the damage to healthy surrounding organs and tissues.
- 3-D conformal radiation uses multiple static beams of radiation to treat brain tumors. A computerized image of the patient's brain allows doctors to specifically target the tumor.
- Gamma knife therapy is advanced technology that uses more than 200 focused beams of high-dose radiation for very precise treatment of brain tumors.
- Image-guided radiation uses many different imaging modalities together to locate a tumor prior to treatment to allow for both accurate and reproducible delivery of radiation.
- Intensity-modulated radiation uses multiple computer-controlled beams of varying intensities to allow for a higher and more precise dose of radiation to the tumor while protecting the healthy brain tissue around it.
Contact us
Your child's primary care doctor may refer him or her to us. For more information about referrals or care in our clinic please contact:
Suzanne Novak, BSN, RN CPN
Neuro-oncology nurse clinician
(414) 266-3924
For Neurosurgery questions, please contact:
Julianne Mallonee, BSN, RN
(414) 337-7861
Make a referral
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It's important to know what your options are. We can provide expert opinions to verify or give more information about an initial diagnosis. Contact us today.