Pain medications at home

Children's Wisconsin is committed to your child's safety. Pain medications were prescribed for your child following a surgical procedure. Opioid (also called narcotic) medications can help treat your child's pain. These are very strong pain medications. These medicines can lead to abuse, misuse and addiction if they are not used and stored correctly. Children's is committed to keeping both your child and other families safe by providing resources for both safe storage and disposal of the pain medications that your child was prescribed.

1. Keep medications in a safe, secure place.

  • All medicines should be kept in a safe and secure place. You as the parent should be giving the medicine - even to teenagers.
  • If your child accidentally gets too much or the wrong medication:
    • Call 911 if your child is difficult to wake up or
    • The Wisconsin Poison Center can help. Call 1-800-222-1222 which is open 24 hours a day- 7 days per week or visit Wisconsin Poison Center

2. Do not give them to anyone else.

  • Never share prescription medicines with others. This is dangerous. Taking someone else's medicine can cause serious harm, drug abuse and death.

3. Follow the directions on the medicine bottle.

  • Follow the instructions on how much to take and when the medicine should be taken. You and the doctor will decide when pain medicines are no longer needed.
  • If your child accidentally gets too much or the wrong medication:
    • Call 911 if your child is difficult to wake up or
    • The Wisconsin Poison Center can help. Call 1-800-222-1222 which is open 24 hours per day and 7 days per week or visit Wisconsin Poison Center

4. Dispose of unused medications.

  • To get rid of unused medications, please visit the Dose of Reality website.

Do not save any medicine to use later. Having old and unused medication in your home may:

  • Be a risk for accidental poisoning
  • Be taken by someone other than the person who was prescribed the medicine
  • Be taken by someone who does not have pain and is abusing the medicines. More than half of the people who abuse these medicines get them from friends and family
  • Pollute water if they are flushed or put in the trash.


Wisconsin's highest-rated pediatric surgical center

Recognized by the American College of Surgeons, our Level I verification represents the highest level of recognition for hospitals that perform complex surgical procedures in newborns and children.