In this section
Education and training
- If you have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan, you can stay in school until you:
- earn enough credits to graduate or
- turn 21 years old
- Before you leave high school, talk to your transition coordinator, guidance counselor or vocational teacher at your school. They can help you make a plan for your future. Considering post-secondary schooling or a technical school might be an option.
- Your local Department of Workforce Development / Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) can also help. For more information visit their website.
- Ticket to Work (Work Incentive Improvement Act) is a program for people with disabilities who work. It may let you keep your Medicaid (T-19) benefits if you cannot get insurance through your job. You may have to pay for Medicaid.
For more information call 1-608-261-0050 or visit their website.
- If you are getting Medicaid and also start to work, it is very important to find out how much you can earn and still keep your benefits. Talk with your assigned county caseworker.
- For more information about employment, please visit the following websites: -