Shari K Liesch, APNP
Nurse practitioner
2575 E. Evergreen Dr.Appleton, WI 54913
555 Redbird CircleDe Pere, WI 54115
Shari is a nurse practitioner at the Children’s Wisconsin Fox Valley location. Before transitioning to the nurse practitioner role she was a certified diabetes educator CDE for many years, and continues this certification. Special interests include pediatric diabetes, endocrine issues, growth and development and disease prevention through life style choices. She has training in health coaching, and encourages persons to set and work on health goals.
Other areas of interest include nurse health. She has presented at many conferences on this subject, and encourages health care providers to take the lead in health care reform through their own choices and in their practice. She actively participates in leadership development. She recently published a book based on self determination theory approach; encouraging the reader to evaluate their role, how they started in their profession, what keeps them invested, and encourage them to set goals toward their next step in either their physical, emotional, relationship health, or career.
- Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Areas of Interest
- Pediatrics
- Endocrinology
- Hypothyroidism
- Metabolic syndrome
- Prediabetes
- Type 1 diabetes
Education and Awards
- 1982, Mercy School of Nursing, AS
- 2001, University of Wisconsin -Madison (RN), MSN
- 1993, University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, BSN
Research and publications
- 2012: Nurse (PENS) Autonomy, Relatedness and Competence: is there a correlation with Quality of Life (QOL)
- 2012: Nurse (AADE12) Autonomy, Relatedness and Competence: is there a correlation with Quality of Life (QOL)