Robert Hofschulte,
3365 S. 103rd StreetMilwaukee, WI 53227
Rob Hofschulte earned his bachelor's in athletic training from University of Wisconsin - La Crosse in 2012 and doctor of physical therapy degree from Marquette University in 2015. Rob is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist from the National Strength and Conditioning Association and is a Certified Manual Trigger Point therapist from Myopain Seminars. Rob states that his care philosophy is centered on the principle of promoting education and empowerment of individuals and their families in an engaging environment. His goal is to allow each child to maximize his or her potential in both sport and life. Rob is a proud and active member of the American Physical Therapy Association, National Athletic Trainers Association, National Strength and Conditioning Association, and Concussion Health.
- Strength and Conditioning Specialist
- Manual Trigger Point Therapist
Areas of Interest
- Sports medicine
- Concussion management
Education and Awards
- , Marquette University,
- , University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse, BA