Family Partners Program

Help us build a better Children's Wisconsin

Our families know best about what makes an experience work for them. The Family Partners Program is dedicated to working with families at all levels throughout the Children's Wisconsin system. The program invites family participation in committees, programs and services. Our goal is to use your feedback to help us focus on what matters most to you and your family, and to improve our care and services.

Family Partners help us focus on what matters most

A family partner is someone who:

  • Believes in our mission that kids deserve the best
  • Wants to help improve the quality of our care and services for all kids and their families
  • Shares honest feedback based on their own experiences
  • Helps us plan changes that will improve the ways we take care of kids
  • Works with Children's for short- or long-term commitments or special events
  • Wants to make Children's the best it can be

You can make a difference

As a Family Partner, you may have the opportunity to:

  • Share stories. Family Partners help by talking about their experiences, both good and bad with providers, staff and other families throughout the Children's system.
  • Participate in discussion groups. Family Partners tell us what it's like to experience Children's through their eyes. They let us know how we can improve our care and services and help come up with solutions.
  • Working on short-term projects. We sometimes ask Family Partners to provide feedback and assistance on larger improvements — for example, helping to plan and design a family resource room.
  • Serving on a family advisory council. An advisory council discusses and plans changes to improve quality, safety and experience throughout the system. Members include family members and Children's staff.
  • Reviewing or helping create educational or informational materials. Family Partners help with the development of materials like forms, health information handouts, and discharge instructions. Family Partners help us make these materials easier for everyone to understand and use.

A commitment that fits your life

Children's values all family participation and appreciates the time you can give. We respect your time limitations and will work with you to find an activity that fits into your family schedule.

Children's will provide any training materials and one-on-one assistance as often as needed.

For a smaller commitment that features online feedback sharing only, take a look at our E-advisory Team.

Applying is easy

Thank you for your interest in creating a better Children’s Wisconsin system. Children’s prides itself on understanding the voice of the customer. Families through the state and beyond who receive care and services from us are able to volunteer in a variety of ways. If you have questions or would like to learn more, call (414) 266-3198 or email us at

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Family Partner, fill out this short interest form.