Hospital volunteer opportunities

Children's Wisconsin's West Tower Entrance

Children's Wisconsin volunteers donate time and talent to a variety of programs and departments. Placement is based on our needs, and on your abilities and availability.

For more information about volunteer opportunities, call (414) 266-2180.

Therapy Dog Program

The purpose of the program is to utilize the animal/human bond to provide an enhanced quality of care, non-medical and non-painful in focus, for patients and their families during their hospital stay. Children's Wisconsin interviews dogs certified by Pet Partners or Alliance of Therapy dogs. Our department takes great pride in the safety and integrity of all therapy dogs and handlers in our program. For more information on how to become a therapy dog volunteer at Children's Wisconsin, certification requirements.

Video: Watch Maccabee visit our patients

Video: Watch Cheeto visit our patients

Want to see more of Cheeto? Of course you do! Now watch this video of Cheeto visiting children receiving care in our Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.

Inpatient care

  • General medical/medical-surgical acute care
  • Critical care (cardiac and medical-surgical)
  • Hematology, oncology, and immunology
  • Hematology, oncology, and transplant
  • Neonatal intensive care (NICU)
  • Neonatal progressive care
  • Neurosciences and medical, epilepsy monitoring

Teen lounge

The Teen lounge located on West 12 has been created to allow hospitalized adolescents ages 12 and older opportunities for normalization, socialization and distraction. The opportunity to participate in a social experience allows hospitalized adolescents to explore feelings and cope with the physical, emotional, and behavioral challenges associated with hospitalization.

Teen Advisory Council (TAC)

The purpose of TAC is to give teen patients, teen siblings of patients and teen volunteers a forum to share their thoughts, ideas and concerns regarding the programming, policies, environment, and overall care that directly impacts the teen population here at Children's. Members must be between the ages of 16 and 21 years, current or former patients of Children's or a brother or sister of a current or former patient of Children's Wisconsin Teen Advisory Council.

Day surgery

Day surgery is an outpatient surgical unit that provides care before and after surgery, heart catheterizations, radiology procedures, and radiation therapy. Although the majority of patients are discharged the day of their procedures, some are admitted to critical or acute care units.

Surgery waiting room

Families wait here while children are in surgery. Volunteers serve as a resource person for families, helping them find where to eat, restrooms, etc., and take family members to the recovery room to meet their child after surgery.

Emergency room

The emergency room provides around-the-clock emergency care for children with all types of illnesses and injuries. The ER is the starting point for many of the inpatient admissions to Children's.

Specialty clinics

Located next door to the Milwaukee campus hospital, the Children's Wisconsin Clinics Building offers a wide range of services. Volunteers in these areas greet and assist families and provide clerical support to staff.

Gift shop

The Children's gift shop offers a wide variety of necessities and gifts that can help brighten someone's day. With items for every age, volunteers help customize gifts and deliver the items directly to the patient. The gift shop is run by dedicated volunteers Monday through Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Daniel M. Soref Family Resource Center

The Daniel M. Soref Family Resource Center offers parent-to-parent support, information and referrals, and helps connect families to community resources. Staff is trained to help children, young adults and family members find answers to questions about local resources, support groups, funding options, and more.

Sibling care

This program provides brothers and sisters (ages 2-12) of children receiving care at Children's Wisconsin and clinics with an opportunity for safe and supportive activities in a supervised environment. Sibling Care is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. 


Volunteers help distribution department staff by delivering supplies, equipment, wheelchairs, paper-related items, gifts, and mail.


Due to infection control, patient confidentiality, and the extensive training and medical requirements for long-term and summer program volunteer placements, we are unable to accept volunteer groups through the Volunteer Services department. Children's Wisconsin Foundation can facilitate group volunteer requests, most often related to events in the community.


If you are interested in providing entertainment for our patients and families, see our special entertainment visits page.