My husband and I always dreamed of being parents. But for a long time, we weren’t quite sure what that would look like for us. Parenthood takes many forms, and as we explored different possibilities, foster care kept coming up in our conversations. The more we learned about it, the more we felt drawn to it. It wasn’t just about opening our home, it was about opening our hearts to children who needed love, stability, and security —, even if just for a short time.
We had the space. We had the resources. And, most importantly, we had the love to give. So, we took a leap of faith, went through the training, became certified, and prepared our home for the unknown journey ahead.
From the start, we knew we wanted to be a resource for sibling groups. Both of us grew up with siblings, and we know firsthand the deep and irreplaceable bond that comes with growing up together. Our siblings were our first best friends, our playmates, and the people who understood us in ways no one else could. We couldn’t imagine being separated from them as children, and we knew that for kids in foster care, that bond was even more important.
When children enter foster care, they often feel scared, confused, and uprooted from everything familiar. But when they enter with a sibling, they bring a piece of home with them. That shared connection, someone who knows them, remembers the same bedtime stories or knows how they like their sandwich cut, can be the one steady thing in an otherwise uncertain situation. Keeping that bond intact isn’t just beneficial, it’s life-changing for most.
Thankfully, we had the space, and extra bedrooms ready to be filled with warmth, laughter, and the sound of siblings sticking together. But more than that, we had the desire to nurture not just individual children, but the connections between them. Over the years, we’ve had the privilege of watching those sibling relationships unfold in so many ways.
Not every sibling group that comes into care can stay together long-term, and we’ve had to witness the heartbreaking reality of separation. Sometimes, circumstances beyond our control made it impossible for siblings to remain under the same roof, and it was difficult knowing that they wouldn’t have that familiar presence beside them. When we had the opportunity to care for siblings who had been separated, we worked hard to foster that connection from afar, helping them maintain visits, keeping their traditions alive, and making sure they knew they were still connected, even if they weren’t in the same home.
We've also seen the magic of sibling relationships in all sorts of timelines, some who have stayed with us for just a weekend, others for months at a time, and some who, by the grace of circumstance and love, we’ve been blessed to adopt into our family forever.
Adoption was always something we were open to, and as we grew to love and bond with certain children who could not return home, we knew in our hearts that they were meant to be a permanent part of our lives. Watching our adopted children find comfort in the other children who have come through our doors has been one of the most unexpected joys of this journey. We’ve seen them welcome new foster siblings with open arms, offering the same comfort they once needed themselves. They understand, in a way that only another foster child can, what it means to feel uncertain about where you belong. And in return, they’ve been able to be that sense of stability for others.
One of the most important things we’ve learned is that while the sibling bond is strong, it also requires care and attention. It’s not just about keeping siblings together, it’s about making sure their relationship remains healthy, that they support each other in positive ways, and that they grow together instead of apart.
Our journey with siblings has been inspiring and wholesome yet, at times, challenging. Sibling relationships can be complex, especially when children come from traumatic backgrounds and have experienced instability. There have been moments of rivalry, moments of frustration, and moments where we’ve had to step in to help them navigate their emotions. But through all of it, the most beautiful moments have been watching their love grow, so much so that we know, no matter where life takes them, they will always carry each other in their hearts.
Family comes in all shapes and sizes, but there is something truly special about the sibling bond. The more we can keep siblings together, the better off they’ll be in developing meaningful relationships, both with each other and with the world around them. Siblings who grow up together, even in foster care, have a greater sense of identity, security, and emotional resilience.
We are so incredibly grateful that we took the leap into foster care. It has changed our lives in ways we never imagined. Every child who has walked through our door, whether for a single night or for years, has left an imprint on our hearts.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned, it’s this: love grows in the most unexpected places. And keeping siblings together? That’s one of the greatest gifts we could ever give.