Learn more about becoming a foster parent

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Foster parents aren’t perfect; they are regular people who are committed to the current and future needs of children in their care. Patience, understanding, and a dedication to children and families in your community are the most important requirements. Foster parents from a variety of backgrounds, family structures, ethnicities, languages, and cultures are needed to meet the needs of children in care.

Interested in learning more? Fill out the form below to receive more detailed information about foster care in your area. This will not commit you to anything! If you decide you are interested in applying, steps for how to do so will be included in the information you receive.

Enjoy this video from a Children’s Wisconsin foster family. We invite you to be part of the story.”

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Contact us by phone

Milwaukee/Southeast Region:

Central Region:
(715) 240-8483

Eau Claire Region:
(715) 318-1457

Fox Valley/Green Bay Region:
(920) 969-5391

South West/South Central Region
(608) 509-6561

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