Who has access to my tests?

Will I get access to my data?

Upon request, the laboratory will provide patients with a copy of the patient’s genomic data in the fastq format on a hard drive for a fee.  Please note that the data is different than the report.  The report is the interpretation of the data and may be more useful to patients/families.

Who will have access to data not reported?

Only the laboratory has access to the data used to generate the report unless the family has consented to sharing the data with others. The laboratory may provide patients with a copy of the patient’s genomic data in the fastq format on a hard drive for a fee.

Will you give my data to another group?

Your data will not be shared without your permission. The laboratory will provide patients or other designated providers with a copy of the patient’s genomic data in the fastq format on a hard drive for a fee (written patient consent required).   Please note that the data is different than the report. The report is the interpretation of the data and may be available to other care providers.

Do you perform research on my sample/data?

The laboratory strives to continue to improve testing. To this end we may use data and left-over samples in such research. Patients and families can opt out of this.

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, call our Central Scheduling team or request an appointment online.

(877) 607-5280

Request an appointment

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Lillian's story

Watch Lillian's story and learn how our Genomic Medicine Program helps solve the unsolvable and treat children with unidentified, complex health problems.

Need assistance?

From out of town? The Access Center can provide assistance in coordinating appointments, insurance, etc. Use our online form or call: (414) 266-6300.