Strategic prevention framework

The Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF) is a method for addressing systematic change in a community. It is a 5 step, cyclical process that is grounded in sustainability and cultural competence. These 5 steps are as follows: Assessment, Building Capacity, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation. These steps are described in detail in subsequent sections of this toolkit. One is never finished SPF’ing. It is a cycle that continues, and each step can be returned to throughout the journey. It is a fluid, living process.

At the center of the SPF are sustainability and cultural competency. Sustainability is key to community change. If the change desired is not sustainable, or isn't planned to be sustainable, the SPF is less likely to be effective

Cultural Competency is a core component of SPF. Understanding the community and the local cultural nuances that impact the area is essential to the success of a project.

Research system management Sustainability and cultural competence

The Communities that Care (CTC) framework looks at prevention and youth development through a social developmental model. The CTC wraps the community around their youth, supporting them and increasing their protective factors. The more positive factors in a child's life, the more resilient they become. The CTC model focuses on community mobilization, such that everyone in the community plays a role in positive, healthy youth development.

CTC conducted a randomized controlled trial and found significant reductions in student delinquent behavior as well as in delayed initiation of alcohol and cigarette use compared to community youths not involved with CTC (Brown et al., 2014). CTC coalition members also have reported positive attitudes and greater knowledge of target issues within their communities, as well as greater community involvement in communities utilizing the CTC framework than communities not using the CTC framework (Shapiro, Oesterle, & Hawkins, 2015).

We chose CTC over other models because the Communities That Care Framework utilizes evidence-based practices that focus on community supportiveness. A cohesive relationship is formed between all stakeholders, who share the same goals, which is pivotal for the success of any community based program.

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