In this section
Learning disabilities (general information)
The National Center for Learning Disabilities provides information for parents on learning disabilities and attention issues, links for advocacy resources, and up to date research on learning disabilities.
This website provides information on learning disabilities and attention difficulties, including signs of struggles in these areas and recommendations for enhancing students' skills.
This website contains multiple resources on reading skills, learning differences, study habits, and test taking strategies.
This link contains many strategies for addressing a range of learning difficulties, most of which can easily be implemented at home.
This website provides resources and learning strategies for parents of children in grades 4-12.
This website offers support and resources for parents, teachers and individuals impacted by developmental language disorders.
This site contains many examples of graphic organizers that can easily be printed to help students develop their writing skills.
This link provides recommendations for addressing struggles with handwriting as well as aid for parents of children who experience difficulty developing their writing skills.
This website provides information on learning disabilities in math as well as intervention strategies.
This website contains information regarding signs of a learning disability in math as well as strategies for addressing difficulties in the area of mathematics.
Kahn Academy provides opportunity for students to practice many math concepts as well as view tutorials of concepts they are struggling to understand.
Skill building websites
Starfall is an on-line reading curriculum for preschool through early elementary school students.
This website contains a number of games to help children develop their beginning reading and phonics skills.
This website contains information to assist with reading fluency and comprehension.
This website contains information to assist children, in kindergarten through 12th grade, develop their language arts skills, including reading comprehension.
This website has links to printable worksheets and activities for building phonics skills.
Informational websites
The Wisconsin Institute for Learning Disabilities/Dyslexia (WILDD) provides remediation, support, and outreach for children with Dyslexia.
The Dyslexia Achievement Center provides screening for Dyslexia and tutoring using the Orton Gillingham approach.
Marquette’s Hartman Literacy Center offers a 6 week summer reading program as well as individual tutoring to support reading development
It should be noted that the above listed programs do have a cost associated with them and the Center for Child Development does not specifically endorse one reading program over another.
Website for The International Dyslexia Association
This website for Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, Inc., provides information on dyslexia and remediation strategies.
This website contains a host of information on Dyslexia, such as its signs, how to have it diagnosed, and accommodations to help individuals with Dyslexia.
The Children’s Dyslexia Center, operated by the Scottish Rite Masons, provides tutoring using the Orton-Gillingham approach. They have tutoring sites across the greater Milwaukee area. They also train tutors and may be able to help your family find a private tutor, if their center locations aren’t convenient for your family.
Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz, MD
A parent friendly book that explains the building blocks of reading, signs and struggles associated with Dyslexia, how to have your child tested for Dyslexia, and remediation programs for Dyslexia.
I Would if I Could by Gordon, M
A brief book about ADHD written from a child's perspective.
My Brother's a World Class Pain by Gordon, M
A book which addresses the issue of being a sibling of a child with ADHD.
Putting on the Breaks: Young People's Guide to Understanding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder by Quinn and Stern
This book is written for children entering adolescence.
A Bird's-eye View of Life with ADD and ADHD: Advice from Young Survivors by Zeigler and Zeigler
This is one of the few books written for teens with ADHD by teens with ADHD.
Driven to Distraction by Edward Hallowell and John Ratey
This book provides an empathic and strength-based model of ADHD.
Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention, A Book for Kids About ADHD by Kathleen Nadeau and Ellen Dixon
This book is a child-friendly book to explain ADHD.
Taking Charge of ADHD by Russel Barkley
This book contains education on ADHD and step by step behavioral interventions for parents to utilize.
101 School Success Tools for Students with ADHD by Jacqueline Iseman, Stephan Silveraman, and Sue Jeweler
This book provides tools to help children with ADHD be successful in different environments.
Parenting Children with ADHD: 10 Lessons that Medicine Cannot Teach by Vincent Monastra
This book provides parents with a framework for building parent management strategies.
How to Reach and Teach Children with ADHD: Practical Techniques, Strategies, and Interventions by Sandra Rief
This book is intended for teachers and parents, it includes real life case studies and intervention plans for children with ADHD.
School Success for Kids with ADHD by Stephan Silverman, Jacqueline Iseman, and Sue Jeweler
This book helps parents of children with ADHD build on their strengths and overcome areas of weakness.
Late, Lost, and Unprepared: A Parent's Guide to Helping Children with Executive Functioning by Joyce Cooper-Kahn and Laurie Dietzel
This book provides supports that parents can put into place to help address children's struggles in the area of executive functioning.
Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary Executive Skills Approach to Helping Kids Reach their Potential by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare
This book provides a framework for supporting areas of struggle commonly seen in children with ADHD.
This site offers information on ADHD as well as learning supports and accommodations.
This site provides information on behavioral interventions that lead to the largest improvements in social skills and school performance for children with ADHD.
CHADD is the largest national association for children and adults with ADHD.
This website provides information on ADHD and how it impacts children at home, school, and socially.
This website provides free charts that can be printed to aid in task completion and behavioral compliance.
ADD is a national parent support association for parents of children with ADHD.
This National Resource Center on ADHD website provides information on the latest research on ADHD.
This website provides education on ADHD from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
This site provides information on ADHD in teens.
This site contains many free charts for parents to download and print for aid in developing behavioral compliance programs.
This website contains a wealth of information on ADHD, ranging from diagnosis to treatment.
Cognitive Disabilities
Project SEARCH is a workforce and career development model for young adults with intellectual and physical disabilities, providing training and education in marketable, competitive, and transferable skills. The ultimate goal of Project SEARCH is employment.
Independence First has a number of youth-based programs (e.g., leadership development, social/peer networks, sexuality/dating workshops) that are geared for teens with intellectual disabilities (among other developmental concerns).
Compass Wisconsin: Threshold provides information and resources to help families and children receive long term support and links to other resources for families with children with long term support needs.
Life Navigators works to improve the quality of life for individuals with developmental and related disabilities through the provision of education and many support services.
The Arc provides information on significant long term disabilities and supports available for families of children with chronic disabilities.
Advocacy resources
FACETS is an organization that helps families advocate for special education services and provides families with information regarding their special education rights.
Disability Rights Wisconsin provides advocacy assistance and information regarding the rights of individuals with disabilities in Wisconsin.
Wrights Law is a website that provides information about special education law, education law, and advocacy for children with disabilities.
This website contains information on how to get help in the public schools.
This website offers many handouts for parents about school-based intervention services.
This website was created to provide parents with information on the public education system.
Anxiety and Emotional Difficulties
Freeing Your Child From Anxiety by Tamar Chansky
This book provides information on anxiety as well as strategies to help your child manage and reduce his/her anxiety.
Keys to Parenting Your Anxious Child by Katharina Manassis
This book provides parents with strategies to help their child manage anxiety both at home and school.
This website provides a wealth of information on anxiety in children, strategies for addressing anxiety at home and school, and resources for parents.
This website contains information on anxiety and relaxation exercises that children can utilize.
This website provides information on a number of mental health concerns, including symptoms associated with various mental health diagnoses and treatment options.
This website contains information on mental health services across the state of Wisconsin, including a listing of service providers.
The Southeast Regional Center serves families of children with severe and chronic conditions; they are available to answer questions about education concerns, funding options, transition issues, diagnosis-specific information and more.
The Center for Child Development does not endorse, support, represent or guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any included websites nor endorses any opinions expressed in any of the website included in the above listing. The Center for Child Development merely provides access to such content as a service to you. These resources are not meant to take the place of working with experts in the above identified areas.