In this section
We provide world-class surgical care to patients and families. Because we are solely dedicated to providing care and support to kids, we have a deep understanding of the unique needs that come with pediatric care. Our specialists are here for you, from the initial visit to post-operation follow-up, and every step in between.
Cardiothoracic surgery
The Pediatric Heart Surgery Program at the Herma Heart Institute offers complex procedures with outstanding outcomes.
Our dental professionals are thoroughly trained in infant, pediatric and adolescent dentistry.
Ear, nose and throat
Our ENT Program provides specialized medical and surgical care to infants, children and teens who have problems with their ears, noses or throats.
Eye care
Children's Wisconsin provides comprehensive pediatric ophthalmologic, optometric and orthoptic care.
General and thoracic surgery
Surgeons at Children's Wisconsin treat the entire spectrum of problems in children of all ages, sizes and maturity levels.
Our neurosurgery program provides best-in-class treatment and care for many neurologic disorders.
Orthopedic surgery
Our orthopedic surgeons use advanced techniques, including procedures that may dramatically reduce recovery time.
Plastic surgery
We are a leading pediatric hospital in the US for researching and treating craniofacial anomalies and other conditions requiring plastic surgery.
Solid organ transplant program
We have deep expertise in pediatric heart, liver, kidney and bone marrow transplants, helping children with end-stage diseases thrive.
Our Urology Program provides medical and surgical treatment for urologic conditions in children of all ages.