Regular Engagement And Connection for Healthy Outcomes (REACH) Diabetes Clinic

What is the REACH Clinic?

The REACH Clinic offers extra support to patients and families struggling with diabetes care and management. 

How do we get an appointment?

To be seen in REACH Clinic, a patient must:

  • Have a diabetes diagnosis from a provider
  • Be between 5 and 16 years old
  • Have mental health concerns
  • Be willing to attend longer appointments more often

Talk to the diabetes team if you think the REACH Clinic would help your child. Your provider may also suggest it. The team asks the clinic coordinators to call you to schedule a visit. 

What to expect during clinic visits

  • At first, families come to REACH Clinic each month. After that, visits may be spaced out more. Visits last between two and four hours.
  • At the beginning of each visit, we will give the patient and family a survey. The answers to the survey help the team know how to help the family.
  • The team works together with the patient and family to set goals that are important to them.
  • The team works with the child and family on challenges they have with their care.