

Aspiration – Breathing or inhaling food into the lungs (airway).


Bolus feeding – Feeding a pre-set amount at different times during the day. Feedings may be done by one or a combination of procedures. These may include syringe, gravity feeding or pump feedings.
Button gastrostomy – A low profile, skin level gastrostomy tube.


Continuous drip feeding – Feeding given over an extended period of time. A pump is used if the feedings happen over 12 to 24 hours.


Delayed gastic emptying – The longer period of time that it takes digested food to move from the stomach into the small intestine. See page 2-6 for a picture of the lower G.I. system.
Dietician – A person who is specially trained to determine nutritional needs and a feeding plan.
Dysmotility - Movement of food through the G.I. system that is not normal. See page 2-6 for a picture of the lower G.I. system.
Dysphagia – Having a hard time swallowing or not being able to swallow.


Esophagus – The passageway for food to get from the mouth to the stomach. It is often called the swallowing tube.


Feeding Pump – A machine that controls the amount of formula given over a period of time.
Flush – An amount of water that is given to clear the tube of feedings or medicines. The amount depends on your child’s needs and size.
Fundoplication (Nissen or Toupet) – Surgery that is done to treat gastroesophageal reflux. The top part of the stomach is wrapped around the lower part of the esophagus to create an internal valve. This valve will keep the stomach contents from going up into the esophagus.


G-tube resource nurse clinician – A nurse who is specially trained to care for the special needs of children with g-tubes.
Gastroenterologist – A doctor who specializes in caring for people who have digestive or eating problems.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) – A condition where stomach contents back up into the esophagus and cause irritation, ulcers, vomiting and possibly aspiration.
Gastrojejunal feeding tube (GJ-tube) – A feeding tube that is placed through the stomach (by a gastrostomy tract) and ends in a part of the small intestine called the jejunum.
Gastrostomy tube (G-tube)– A tube that passes through the skin and abdominal wall to the stomach. This tube may be used for feeding and/or venting of the stomach.
Gauze – A type of material that protects the skin from drainage.
Granulation tissue (Granuloma) – Extra growth of healing skin tissue. It is normally seen at the site where the G-tube comes out of the skin. It is pink, moist tissue that may produce yellow-green drainage on the dressing. This tissue is a mucous membrane like gum tissue and sometimes bleeds easily.
Gravity drip feeding – A method of feeding. Often used for bolus feeding. The formula is placed into a feeding bag and the bag is then connected to the G-tube. The flow of the feeding is adjusted with a roller clamp so that it goes slowly into the stomach.


Jejunostomy – Opening to the jejunum.
Jejunostomy tube (J-tube) – A jejunostomy is a tube placed directly into one part of the small intestine called the jejunum.


PEG tube (Percutaneous-placed Endoscopic G-tube) – A method of G-tube placement.


Radiologist – A doctor who specializes in x-rays and special procedures that use x-rays.
Residual – The amount of feeding still in the stomach from the previous feeding.


Stabilize – To secure or hold tighter to the body so the tube won’t move around or get pulled out easily.
Steri-strips – Surgical tapes or bandages.
Stoma – The opening around the G-tube.
Surgeon – A doctor who specializes in operations (surgery).


Tract – The tunnel opening from the skin into the stomach.


Venting – A procedure that lets extra air or food to come out of the stomach. Sometimes called “burping through the G-tube.”