In this section
Transnasal endoscopy – A better way to scope
Transnasal endoscopy (TNE) uses a very thin, flexible scope to examine the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. While it has many possible uses, one of its primary functions at Children’s Wisconsin is the diagnosis and surveillance of eosinophilic esophagitis in children. This chronic disease of the immune system causes damage to the esophagus, which can lead to food impaction, dysphagia, vomiting, choking and abdominal pain. If the child is old enough and calm enough, TNE is an overall easier experience than standard pediatric endoscopy.
Benefits of Unsedated Transnasal Endoscopy:
- No sedation just numbing of nasal/esophageal cavity
- Actual treatment time is 7 – 10 minutes – total appointment time less than an hour
- No 8 hour fasting required (2 – 4 hours required)
- Virtual Reality Distraction system used
- Return to home/school immediately after procedure
To find out more, please refer to Pediatric Rounds, Volume 23\Issue\2024\page 6
If you have any questions, contact your physician liaison. For more information about the range of conditions, we treat visit our Gastroenterology, Liver and Nutrition Program page.