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Safe Halloween trick or treating Children's Wisconsin Safe Kids

Tips for a safe and healthy Halloween

Halloween is just the best. What’s not to love? Costumes. Candy. Haunted Houses. Parties. It’s a fun and festive time for many families. 

However, Halloween does come with some child safety risks that are important for parents and caregivers to be aware of to ensure a safe celebration. 

Choose safe costumes

  • It is important that costumes fit properly. Costumes should be large enough to allow warm clothes underneath, but short enough to prevent tripping. Also, with costumes that have pieces that go over kids heads, make sure they fit well enough so nothing slides over their eyes and blocks vision. 

  • When selecting accessories, choose soft and flexible ones, and consider if the accessory will be a tripping hazard. 

  • For little superheroes, capes should fasten with Velcro® that easily pulls apart. Capes and other costume pieces should never be tied around a child’s neck. It is important that younger children know the difference between what people do on television or movies and what they can do in real life.

Walk safely — be safe and be seen

  • Visibility is key. In fact, children are twice as likely to get hit by a car on Halloween as any other day of the year. Flashlights, glow tape and glow sticks can be built right into kids’ costume to ensure they are highly visible in the dark. If they are not built in, consider adding reflective tape to costumes and trick-or-treat bags. 

  • Children under the age of 12 should not be alone at night without an adult. Remind children who are mature enough to be out without supervision to stick to familiar areas that are well lit and trick-or-treat in groups.

  • With the excitement that Halloween brings, it’s especially important to remind everyone to use safe pedestrian skills. Use sidewalks or paths and only cross the street at corners using traffic signals and crosswalks. Always look left, right and left when crossing and watch for cars turning or backing up.

  • If you are out driving, be alert and slow down!

Pick treats wisely

  • After trick-or-treating, an adult should check all candy. Unwrapped candy should not be eaten.

  • Hard candy is a choking hazard for children 5 years of age or younger.

  • Food allergies are serious. It is important to consider children with food allergies, and to offer treats that are nut free.

  • Offer a healthier alternative to candy. Give trick or treaters age-appropriate, non-food treats like temporary tattoos or stickers instead.

Decorate with care

  • Keep outdoor lights on, and make sure paths are well-lit. Check lights beforehand to replace any burned-out bulbs.

  • Remove tripping hazards from your porch or walkway before greeting trick or treaters.

  • Illuminate carved pumpkins and Halloween decorations with battery operated candles, flashlights or glow sticks rather than lit candles to prevent fire.

  • If carving pumpkins, parents should do the carving and children can help clean out the inside pulp and seeds. Alternatives to carving include painting and drawing on pumpkins.

Avoid the candy crush

Whether it’s Halloween or any other time of the year, when it comes to candy, moderation is key.

  • Make sure kids have a healthy snack or dinner that includes protein before heading out. This will help prevent overdoing it and having a sugar rush (and crash).

  • Keep kids active by walking from house to house, if possible, instead of driving.

  • Determine the number of pieces each child will get to eat after trick-or-treating has ended.

  • Have each child pick a predetermined number of their favorites and then collect the rest.

  • For all that extra candy you’ll surely have laying around, you can send overseas for the troops (search online for local organizations that collect candy). Some dentist’s offices even offer candy “buyback” and will then send to troops or charitable organizations.

Keep these tips in mind and you and you’re family are sure to have a fun, festive and safe Halloween.