(Teaching Sheets)
Myringoplasty (eardrum surgery) (Spanish)
Frequently asked questions and details on eardrum surgery--myringoplasty.
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Nothing by mouth (NPO) instructions 1018
Specific instructions to follow for nothing by mouth (NPO) or tube
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Nothing by mouth (NPO) instructions (Spanish)
Specific instructions to follow for nothing by mouth (NPO) or tube
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Occupational therapy after chest surgery (1861)
Learn about therapy to help you get better after chest surgery.
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Pectus excavatum 1934
Pectus Excavatum is when the rib cage does not develop as it should. The breastbone (sternum), which is in the center of the chest, is sunken or caved in. Learn what tests are needed and how it is treated.
(Teaching Sheets)
Pectus excavatum (Spanish)
Pectus Excavatum is when the rib cage does not develop as it should. The breastbone (sternum), which is in the center of the chest, is sunken or caved in. Learn what tests are needed and how it is treated.
(Teaching Sheets)
Pectus Excavatum: Surgery (1935)
Your child is having surgery to fix the sunken area of the chest called pectus. Learn more about how to prepare your child for this surgery and how to care for them after the surgery.
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Penrose drain care 1204
The Penrose drain is a special tube that keeps body fluid from collecting near the site of your child's surgery. Learn more about the drain and how to take care of it.
(Teaching Sheets)
Penrose drain care (Spanish)
The Penrose drain is a special tube that keeps body fluid from collecting near the site of your child's surgery. Learn more about the drain and how to take care of it.
(Teaching Sheets)
Percutaneous liver biopsy 2042
A liver biopsy is a test used to get a small piece of liver tissue. Learn m ore about how this is done and how to prepare your child for this test.