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High Magnesium Diet 1023
Magnesium is a nutrient found in food. Most people get enough magnesium in their diets. Learn about medicines that can affect magnesium and foods to avoid.
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Kidney transplant wait list 1486
Learn what happens once your child's name goes on the kidney transplant wait list.
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Nothing by mouth (NPO) instructions 1018
Specific instructions to follow for nothing by mouth (NPO) or tube
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Nothing by mouth (NPO) instructions (Spanish)
Specific instructions to follow for nothing by mouth (NPO) or tube
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Percutaneous liver biopsy 2042
A liver biopsy is a test used to get a small piece of liver tissue. Learn m ore about how this is done and how to prepare your child for this test.
(Teaching Sheets)
Percutaneous liver biopsy (Spanish)
A liver biopsy is a test used to get a small piece of liver tissue. Learn m ore about how this is done and how to prepare your child for this test.
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Prednisone or prednisolone for GI (Gastroenterology) clinic 1025
Prednisone is an anti-inflammatory medicine used to relieve or treat several diseases and other conditions. It is also used to prevent transplant rejection.
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Transjugular liver biopsy 1075
A transjugular liver biopsy is a test done to get a small piece of liver tissue using a thin tube that is threaded through the jugular vein in the neck down to the liver. Learn more about this test.
(Teaching Sheets)
Transjugular liver biopsy (Spanish)
A transjugular liver biopsy is a test done to get a small piece of liver tissue using a thin tube that is threaded through the jugular vein in the neck down to the liver. Learn more about this test.
(Teaching Sheets)
Using Albustix to test urine for protein 1488
Tells you how to use Albustix, a testing strip that checks your child's urine for protein.