(Teaching Sheets)
Ear tube placement (Myringotomy pre- and post-surgery instructions) 1477
Discusses surgery to place ear tubes, how it is done, and follow up care.
(Teaching Sheets)
Active cycle breathing technique (ACBT) 1057
The active cycle breathing technique (ACBT) is an exercise that helps move secretions out of the lungs.
(Teaching Sheets)
Active cycle breathing technique (ACBT) (Spanish)
The active cycle breathing technique (ACBT) is an exercise that helps move secretions out of the lungs. 1057 Spanish
(Teaching Sheets)
Adenoidectomy 1479
Discusses what happens before and after your child has surgery to remove the adenoids.
(Teaching Sheets)
Adenoidectomy (Spanish)
Discusses what happens before and after your child has surgery to remove the adenoids.
(Teaching Sheets)
Advance medical directives 1764
Learn about patient rights regarding Living Wills, Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy's for patients over 18 years of age.
(Teaching Sheets)
Advance medical directives (Spanish)
Learn about patient rights regarding Living Wills, Power of Attorney and Health Care Proxy's for patients over 18 years of age.
(Teaching Sheets)
Alveolar bone graft: Hip bone donor site (Bone graft to gum line) 1338
Surgery for cleft lip and cleft plate requires a bone graft taken from the child's hip bone to be placed in the cleft area near the teeth. This helps to close the hole between your child's mouth and nose. Learn more about this surgery.
(Teaching Sheets)
Alveolar bone graft: Hip bone donor site (Bone graft to gum line) (Spanish)
Surgery for cleft lip and cleft plate requires a bone graft taken from the child's hip bone to be placed in the cleft area near the teeth. This helps to close the hole between your child's mouth and nose. Learn more about this surgery.
(Teaching Sheets)
Alveolar bone graft: Skull bone donor site (Bone graft to gum line) 1337
Surgery for cleft lip and cleft plate requires a bone graft taken from the child's skull bone to be placed in the cleft area near the teeth. This helps to close the hole between your child's mouth and nose. Learn more about this surgery.