Since becoming foster parents, we have relied on our friends, family, neighbors and other members of our support network more than ever. This is a community of supporters that we can call at any hour to give us a sense of peace. Hopefully we can pass this community along to the kids who enter our home.
We are so thankful for the people who have brought over a meal, run an errand to get dishwashing detergent or pull-ups, brought over coffee, held a baby or played with a kiddo for an hour so we can catch our breath.
If you are thinking about being a foster parent, register to attend a new family informational meeting. If you can’t commit to being a foster parent, you still can play a vital role in helping to turn a life around:
- If you know a foster parent, reach out to offer your support. Above regular parenting responsibilities, foster parents also have to juggle social workers, regular home inspections, court dates, therapy, parent visits, training, paperwork and so much more. A helping hand goes a long way in finding a balance.
- Do you have extra beds, bedding, toys, books or old baby items? Please consider donating the items to a foster family.
- Organize a tag sale with a bunch of neighbors and donate the proceeds to a local foster/adoptive support agency.
- Be a court-appointed special advocate.
- Be a mentor. Kids need more positive adult interactions.
- Are you a photographer, love to knit or do crafts? Offer some time and a gift to a foster family. Giving a child some comfort items such as a blanket or stuffed animal can help them feel a little more comfortable on a scary day. Family pictures will help a child feel part of a family. It is often the little things that count the most.
- Help save the very valuable adoption tax credit . “Like” the Facebook page and learn more about how you can support it!
- Find out your workplace’s Family and Medical Leave Act policy. Advocate for parity for foster parents.