The phone rings and I instantly recognize the number. As my heart begins to beat a little faster, the voice on the other line says, “I am calling about a potential placement.” My heart beats faster as I learn the details of this little one — knowing it doesn’t matter because I’m going to say, “Yes, I’ll take her!”
I hang up the phone and frantically begin to look through clothing bins in the basement, trying to find the right size. I get another bed set up and try to prepare for the known and unknowns of this little one.
The caseworker walks to the door with a tiny little girl in her arms and an orange folder in her hands. I open the door trying to manage my excitement as I reach out for this scared little girl, holding her in my arms for the first time.
She’s been crying. I show her the teddy bear, the special blanket and give her big hug telling her she is safe and loved. Meanwhile the caseworker is handing me an orange folder filled with pamphlets and information that comes along with each foster child. She offers a few instructions and says she will call to check in within a few days.
The door closes and we are now a family of seven! We get our newest foster daughter a cup of milk and we get her changed into some warm fuzzy pajamas. We sit on the sofa holding her and comforting her after a long sad day she’s experienced. It’s after midnight so she will meet the rest of the family in the morning.
I love the thrill of “those calls.” The thrill of a new placement and a new little one coming through our door. There is nothing like meeting your new foster child for the first time seeing them come to your home. They are broken and afraid, but you get to watch them heal before your eyes as the days, weeks and months go by. I love being a foster momma!