Think back to a time when you were packed for the first day of school, summer camp, college or vacation you had been saving for. You didn’t pack absolutely everything, for absolutely every circumstance. It would have been impossible to pack everything you would need for circumstances that you didn’t have a crystal ball to see. Yet, you made it work. You improvised or found a way to get what you needed at the time.
Your bags are already packed
You are already packed to be a foster parent. Do you have a place to live? Can you listen empathetically? Can you love unconditionally? Can you keep a child safe and be honest with him or her? Is there room in your place for just one more? Two? Three? Then, like I said before, you are already packed.
As a foster parent there will be some “packing” as you are getting licensed. You will prepare and attempt to pack it all. You will become knowledgeable and make some great connections, but they will not solve every issue or problem. This is where you will go back to what you already came packed with.
Maybe it will be your huge heart that allows you to love every child no matter what. Maybe it will be your intelligence that sheds light on a better way to reach a hurting child. Maybe it will be your faith that tells you “you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you” (Philippians 4:13). Maybe it will be your life experiences that inspire you to try something you’ve seen work before. Maybe it will be your family or friends who welcome you to share with, lean on or cry to them. They will provide you with rest, help or supportive words.
Whatever you choose, you must understand you are already packed with enough to change the story of a child who desperately needs you to have faith in your packing.