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Report an issueTruth or myth activity
Grade level: 7th
In this activity, students will practice determining what is the truth and what is a myth when given a statement about mental health or mental illness. There are a lot of myths around mental health and mental illness, which can lead to stigma. Stigma can then lead to teens and adults not seeking the help they may need. This activity provides an opportunity for students to learn the truth about mental health and mental illness. They do not need to know all the answers. If they’re not sure, they can take their best guess.
** This activity may bring up sensitive topics for some students. Please be aware that everyone has had different experiences and may react differently when learning about mental health and mental illness. Please allow students to take a break, if needed, at any point during the lesson.
For students
For educators
- Tell us what you thought of this activity.
- Truth/myth activity educator guide
- Mental health resources for families and educators