Using a Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) with a spacer and mask

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Inhaler and Spacer Mask

Metered Dose Inhaler (MDI) - Commonly called a pump or puffer

  • When the inhaler is pumped, it gives just the right amount of medicine with each pump
  • A spacer should always used when taking this medicine
  • An inhaler can travel with you when you leave home

Spacers are always used with metered dose inhalers. It helps slow down the speed of the medicine so it can get into the lungs and not to other parts of the body.

Preparing to use a MDI with a spacer and a mask:

Step 1: Wash your hands!

wash hands 
Step 2: Remove the cap from the mouthpiece of the metered dose inhaler  caps off inhaler and spacer 
Step 3: Look in both ends of the spacer for any objects that don’t belong there  check spacer 
Step 4: If the spacer does not already have a mask attached, put the mask on the mouthpiece of the spacer mask on spacer 
Step 5: Shake the MDI    shake inhaler
Step 6: Put the mouthpiece of the MDI into the end of the spacer  put inhaler in spacer 

Using an inhaler with a spacer and a mask:

Step 1: Gently put the mask over the child’s nose and mouth. Lightly press the mask against the face so no air can escape. A good seal is needed for the medicine to get into the lungs.  mask on child 
Step 2: Squeeze one puff of the inhaler into the spacer  puff once 
Step 3: Keep the mask on the child’s face and watch the child breathe 6 to 10 breaths.  breathe in  
Step 4: Repeat steps 1 to 4 for every puff you take.  repeat steps 1-4           

How to clean a spacer:

  • Remove the inhaler from the spacer.
  • If possible, take the pieces of the spacer apart.
  • Soak (do not scrub) the pieces of the spacer in warm soapy water for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse the spacer with warm water to remove any leftover soap.
  • Let all the parts dry completely before putting the spacer back together. 

Special instructions:

  • One spacer can be used for all of your metered dose inhalers. You do not need a
    separate spacer for each inhaler.
  • A spacer should last at least one year.
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