Language disorders video series

Identifying a language disorder can be difficult because the symptoms may suggest something else, such as autism, cognitive disabilities, auditory processing disorders or a hearing problem.

With generous support from the Kim and John Schlifske Child Development Fund, language disorder videos were created to educate professionals about the symptoms and impact of language disorders on children's behavior and development at different ages.

Video #1: Understanding Language Disorders

  • What a language disorder is
  • What it looks like at different ages
  • Where to go for help if you suspect a child has a language disorder

Video #2: Invisible Obstacles: Language Disorders in Older Children

  • You will be able to take a look at how children from the first video have progressed
  • See the struggles that older children and adolescents with language disorders may face
  • Learn how to recognize the role that language disorders play within academic and social deficits as children continue in school
  • The importance of treatment and reason for optimism as students enter adolescence and beyond


Video #3: Developmental Language Disorders: A Guide to Successful Therapy

  • The purpose of this video is to demystify what happens in language therapy for older students and adolescents. 
  • While the target audience for this video is speech language graduate clinicians, it is appropriate for seasoned clinicians, pediatricians, educators, psychologists, and counselors.
  • The first 25 minutes of the video recaps what a language disorder is and then presents clips from real time therapy sessions for three different students.
  • The script for the video was written by the speech and language pathologists and aims to break down the thinking and decision-making process of the clinician.
  • The last 15-20 minutes of the video detail information about the graphic organizers that were used in the video with the students; this part would be most appropriate for SLPs, SLPAs, and SLP graduate students.