In this section
Placement coordinators
Student placement information
Thank you for your interest in the nursing student placement program at Children's Wisconsin. As a teaching hospital we are committed to provide quality learning experiences for all nursing students.
Undergraduate experiences
Instructor-led clinical groups
This traditional learning experience involves an instructor bringing a group of students, eight or fewer for acute care, six or fewer for critical care, to a clinical unit in the hospital for learning. Clinical hours are expected to be in alignment with hospital shifts - days 0700-1530 and pms 1500-2330. Requests for this type of learning must be submitted by the School of Nursing using the nursing student request form for clinical groups.
Deadline for submission of requests for group placements are:
Traditional semester sequence:
- Fall requests (for experiences occurring between Aug. 15 and Dec. 31) must be submitted by March 1st
- Winter requests (for experiences occurring between Nov. 30th and Jan. 30th) must be submitted by July 1st
- Spring requests (for experiences occurring between Jan. 1 and May 15) must be submitted by October 1st
- Summer requests (for experiences occurring between May 15 and Aug. 15) must be submitted by October 1st
Review the clinical group placement process checklist.
This experience is reserved for students in their senior capstone/synthesis or last semester in an associate degree program. This is a one-on-one learning experience with a registered nurse in the student's area of interest. There are a limited number of precepted learning experiences available in any given time period. Faculty must submit requests using the nursing student placement request form preceptor students.
Deadline for submission of requests for preceptorships are:
Traditional semester sequence:
- Fall requests (for experiences occurring between Aug. 15 and Dec. 31) must be submitted by May 31st
- Winter requests (for experiences occurring between Nov. 30th and Jan. 30th) must be submitted by July 1st
- Spring requests (for experiences occurring between Jan. 1 and May 15) must be submitted by November 1st
- Summer requests (for experiences occurring between May 15 and Aug. 15) must be submitted by March 1st
Children's preceptorship responsibilities and expectations
Graduate experiences
Graduate students in pediatrics, family practice, education and administration come to Children's for clinical learning experiences. All graduate students are linked with a specific, primary preceptor who will help coordinate their learning at the hospital.
All requests must be made by a faculty member. Requests will not be accepted from students. Placements are made for one semester at a time. Requests for year-long preceptorships will not be honored. Faculty must submit requests using the nursing student placement request form.
- Fall requests (for experiences occurring between Aug. 15 and Dec. 31) must be submitted by May 31st
- Winter requests (for experiences occurring between Nov. 30th and Jan. 30th) must be submitted by July 1st
- Spring requests (for experiences occurring between Jan. 1 and May 15) must be submitted by November 1st
- Summer requests (for experiences occurring between May 15 and Aug. 15) must be submitted by April 1st
Student placement forms
All schools of nursing requesting nursing student placement at Children's must use the following forms.
Requests will not be processed if information is received in an alternative format.
Nursing student placement request form for clinical groups.
This is the first step to requesting clinical group placement. This form may be sent via email.
Filling out this form is the first step to requesting a one-on-one precepted experience for a last semester BSN or ADN student. This form may be sent via email. Please refer to Children's unit profiles.
Nursing student placement request form for graduate students
Filling out this form is the first step to requesting a one-on-one precepted experience for a last semester MSN or DNP student. This form may be sent via email. Please refer to Children's unit profiles.
Nursing student schedule form
This form will help our staff and units have a clear picture of when students are on the units. Please fill this form out each semester and submit it to the schools of nursing.
Student placement certification form (Exhibit A)
This form certifies that all Children's health, OSHA and background check requirements are met. Failure to turn in this form 30 days in advance, may result in a delayed clinical experience. This form is to be email to
Student roster sheet for CW (not FV)
This form (attachment to Exhibit A of program agreement) lists each student, patient care area and dates of experience. This form is to be sent with the student placement certification form.
Student roster sheet for Fox Valley
This form (attachment to Exhibit A of program agreement) lists each student, patient care area and dates of experience. This form is to be sent with the student placement certification form.
Student information sheet
This form can be used for undergraduate nursing students participating in a senior preceptorship. This form should be submitted with the student placement request form. Completed forms should be sent via email to
Student clinical site evaluation:
Privacy and confidentiality (HIPAA) Form
All students and faculty spending time at Children's must sign and date the confidentiality form (attachment to Exhibit A of program agreement). Failure to turn in this form 30 days in advance, may result in a delayed clinical experience. This form is to be emailed to
Advanced Practice Nursing listing
Advanced Practice Nurses work in the following clinics:
Administration Adolescent Health and Medicine Allergy/Asthma/Immunology APN Educator School Liaison Child Development Child Protection and Advocacy Community Health/Primary Care/School Based Clinics Critical Care Educational Services Emergency Department/Trauma Center Endocrinology Gastroenterology Genetics Herma Heart Institute |
HIV Jane B. Pettit Pain Management Center MACC Fund for Cancer & Blood disorders (Hematology/Oncology/Bone Marrow Transplant) Neonatology Nephrology Neurology Orthopedics Otolaryngology Palliative Care Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Pre-Op/Anesthesia Evaluation Clinic Psychiatry Pulmonary |
Quality Renal Research & Evidence Based Practice Rheumatology Special Needs Program Spina Bifida Surgical Services Trauma/Transplant Unit Based Urgent Care Urology Wound/Skin |
To apply for a rotation within one of the above specialties, please submit your request