In this section
Clinical educators
Clinical educator information
Influencing the education of future nursing students is our mission here at Children's Wisconsin. This site aids faculty and preceptors in the essentials needed to complete a clinical or preceptorship at Children's.
Policies and procedures
Advanced Practice Nursing listing
Advanced Practice Nurses work in the following clinics:
Download and read a complete listing of Advanced Practice Nurses
Site-Unit information
All schools of nursing requesting nursing student placement at Children's Wisconsin must use the following forms. Requests will not be processed if information is received in an alternative format.
Nursing student schedule form. This form will help our staff and units have a clear picture of when students are on the units. Please fill this form out each semester and submit it to the schools of nursing.
Photo consent form. This form can be used to post clinical group pictures on the units.
Student information sheet. This form can be used for undergraduate nursing students participating in a senior preceptorship. This form should be submitted with the student placement request form. Completed forms should be sent via email to
Student clinical site evaluation
Educational materials
Student orientation information

Click on the picture to start the orientation presentation.
Optional Learning
- Child Life nursing student orientation
- Medication examples
- Medication math
- IM and SQ injection sites
- CW IM Reference Sheet
- Developmental tips for medication administration
- Communicable disease facts
- Surgery orientation
- Patient Safety: National Patient Safety Goals
- Developmental "Just in Time" sheets
Helpful tips and learning techniques
Faculty checklists
- Sample of first day letter to students - PDF file
- Sample of first day letter to students - Word file
- Sample email to students- PDF file
- Sample email to students- Word file
- Sample student orientation checklist to unit
- Sample student assignment sheet
Learning techniques

Visit Children's Best Practice website to find different approaches to teaching and learning.
Post conferences
- Abdominal defects
- Assignment Recommendations
- Bedside Pediatric Early Warning System (BPEWs)
- Blood Types NEW
- Case Studies
- Central lines
- Child Life Specialists
- Communication
- Congenital and genetic abnormalities
- Cover letters and resumes
- Critical Thinking Skills
- Doctor's orders
- Final Epic Scenario Answers
- GT/JT feeding tubes
- Health Literacy
- HIPAA Link
- Hospital Acquired Conditions
- Job Interviews
- Kids quiz NEW
- Kids quiz answers NEW
- Leadership
- Malignant hyperthermia
- Medical ethics
- NCLEX Tips & Tricks NEW
- Nursing humor
- Oncology
- Pain
- Pediatric History & Physical
- Peri-operative Website
- Sickle cell disease
- Spiritual Care
- Student Orientation
- Surgery Orientation
- Suctioning pediatrics patients
- Surgical prep information
- Suture
- Suture part 2
- Time Management
- Time Management Example
- True or False assessing and managing pediatric pain test
- True or False assessing and managing pediatric pain test answers
- True or False student nurse test
- True or False student nurse test answers
- West 7 Orientation
- West 11 orientation