Counseling helps strengthen families

Emotional and mental health issues can have a significant impact on the physical health of children and their families. That's why we offer a variety of counseling programs throughout Wisconsin.

Mental and Behavioral Health

Our mental and behavioral health services can reduce stress and conflict within families, improve parenting skills, help children and families deal with traumatic situations, and address behavioral and social difficulties. There is nothing too big or too small. 

Grief and bereavement counseling

The pain and sadness associated with the death of a child can be overwhelming for parents, siblings and other family members. We offer a variety of resources to help families cope with this devastating loss.

Pregnancy counseling

All pregnant women and new mothers need guidance and support. We offer women confidential assistance as they make decisions about their future and their child.

Other counseling services

We also offer other types of counseling, including prenatal, genetic and nutrition. In addition, our psychiatrists and psychologists support the care of patients in our other specialty clinics and at our hospitals.

Call (414) 266-3339 

Connect with our access team

Child and family counseling

Eau Claire – (715) 835-5915
Kenosha – (262) 652-5522
Madison – (608) 221-3511
Marshfield – (715) 387-2729
Milwaukee – (414) 292-4242
Racine – (262) 633-3591
Stevens Point – (715) 341-6672
Wausau – (715) 848-1457