In this section
CPAP Program newsletter
Check out the CPAP Program’s newsletter which has education and tips for patients and families using CPAP, BiPAP™ or a Non-Invasive Ventilator. Please call our CPAP Program Team at (414) 266-4924 with any questions or to suggest a topic for an upcoming newsletter.

Winter 2024-2025
- Sleep apnea and school
- CPAP team interview
- The scoop on downloads
- Kids and exercise
- New sleep lab
- Vaccinations

Summer 2023
- Purpose of clinic
- Hello Tamara!
- Symptom improvement
- Allergies
- Machine replacement
- Respironics recall

Winter 2022-2023
- Benefits CPAP/BiPAP™
- Skin redness
- Adjusting humidity
- Distilled water
- Orthodontics
- Mask warning

Summer 2022
- Camping
- Summer routine
- Water chamber
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Mask types
- Transition resources

Winter 2021-2022
- Travel
- New respiratory therapist
- Machine maintenance
- Child taking off mask
- Usage tracking
- Respironics recall

Spring 2021
- Spring and allergies
- New clinic
- Filter maintenance
- Ordering supplies
- Mask leaks
- Did you know?