Transport capabilities

The Children's Transport Team has many capacities and equipment available including:

  • Nitric oxide
  • Active cooling
  • High flow nasal cannula
  • Neonatal and pediatric ventilator management
  • Non-invasive positive pressure ventilation
  • RSI endotracheal intubations
  • Video assisted laryngoscopy
  • Surfactant administration
  • Umbilical line placement
  • IO placement
  • Central line placement
  • Blood administration
  • Blood gas analysis
  • Chest tubes
  • Needle decompression
  • Monitoring multiple vital signs including invasive pressures, temperature and EtCO2

ECMO transports

Our highly trained staff have the capability to transport patients currently on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) to our facility via ground transport. Patients who have complex congenital heart disease, advanced lung disease, or fighting a severe systematic infection have the option to be transported without ECMO team and mobile ECMO circuit.

The team includes a CICU physician, perfusionist, transport nurse and transport respiratory therapist.

Children's is the only pediatric center in WI that performs heart transplants.

Due to high risk involved with ECMO transport, a case review will be started to see if the patient is a candidate. This process could take up to 24 hours. To arrange an EMCO transport, please call the referral center. A member of our team will get you in contact with our CV service to start the process to make sure the patient meets criteria for transport.

Arrange a transport

(414) 266-2460

Toll-free: (800) 266-0366

Arrange a transport