Viewing page 17 of 18 | showing results 161 - 170 of 177

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    TheraPEP (Spanish) 1902

    Positive Expiratory Pressure Therapy (PEP) helps to open up your child's airways. When the airways are open it is easier for your child to get rid of secretions. Learn how to do this.

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    Tissue (skin) expansion 1065

    Learn more about tissue expansion, which is a process of growing more skin.

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    Tissue (skin) expansion (Spanish)

    Learn more about tissue expansion, which is a process of growing more skin.

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    Transjugular liver biopsy 1075

    A transjugular liver biopsy is a test done to get a small piece of liver tissue using a thin tube that is threaded through the jugular vein in the neck down to the liver. Learn more about this test.

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    Transjugular liver biopsy (Spanish)

    A transjugular liver biopsy is a test done to get a small piece of liver tissue using a thin tube that is threaded through the jugular vein in the neck down to the liver. Learn more about this test.

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    Upper GI and small bowel x-rays 1441

    This test uses x-rays look at the food tube (esophagus) and stomach. Learn more about this test and how to prepare your child.

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    Upper GI and small bowel x-rays Spanish

    This test uses x-rays look at the food tube (esophagus) and stomach. Learn more about this test and how to prepare your child.

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    Upper GI (gastrointestinal) x-rays 1440

    An UGI uses x-rays to look at the food tube (esophagus) and stomach. Learn more about this test and how to prepare your child.

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    Upper GI (gastrointestinal) x-rays (Spanish)

    An UGI uses x-rays to look at the food tube (esophagus) and stomach. Learn more about this test and how to prepare your child.

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    Getting urine (pee) with a U-bag for male anatomy (2125)

    You may need to use a U-bag to collect a urine sample. This teaching sheet explains how to use a U bag to collect a urine sample from a child with male anatomy.

Viewing page 17 of 18 | showing results 161 - 170 of 177