(Teaching Sheets)
Domestic violence community resources (Spanish)
Find resource phone numbers for anyone affected by domestic violence or intimate partner violence (IPV).
(Teaching Sheets)
Dressing options for wounds (1562)
Learn some simple ways to cover burns and wounds.
(Teaching Sheets)
Dressing options (Spanish)
Learn some simple ways to cover burns and wounds.
(Teaching Sheets)
Drug challenge in the hospital (1882)
This procedure is done to see if you can take a medicine that caused a reaction in the past.
(Teaching Sheets)
Drug challenge in the hospital (Spanish) 1882
This procedure is done to see if you can take a medicine that caused a reaction in the past.
(Teaching Sheets)
Drug desensitization 1514
Your child may be allergic to a medicine needed for treatment. If there are no other medicines your child can take, desensitization may be tried. Learn more about how desensitization works and the risks involved.
(Teaching Sheets)
Drug or chemical induced diabetes 1604
Sugars, such as glucose are carbohydrates and are found in many foods. Normally when you eat, some food breaks down into sugar. Sugar enters your bloodstream and the blood levels of sugar rise. The rise tells the pancreas to let out insulin.
(Teaching Sheets)
Drug or chemical induced diabetes (Spanish)
Sugars, such as glucose are carbohydrates and are found in many foods. Normally when you eat, some food breaks down into sugar. Sugar enters your bloodstream and the blood levels of sugar rise. The rise tells the pancreas to let out insulin.
(Teaching Sheets)
Ear drops 1100
Learn how to give your child ear drops safely and effectively.
(Teaching Sheets)
Ear drops (Spanish)
Learn how to give your child ear drops safely and effectively.