Child and family therapy

Emotional and mental health stress can have a big effect on the health of children and their families. Therapy, also called psychotherapy or counseling, can help a child and family learn:

  • About their moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors.
  • Good communication skills at home and at school.
  • How to work out problems and try out new solutions in a safe space.

Counseling can help families deal with conflict, stress, and teach parenting skills. It can help families deal with trauma and behavior problems. Counseling helps families grow stronger together. It helps children grow into strong, healthy adults.

Find the right help

We are here to help. Our staff are trained to help you find the program, place, or person you need to help your child. Our staff who helps you find resources is called your access navigator team. There is no worry or question too big or too small. Call (414) 266-3339 or use our contact form.

Helpful resources

Frequently asked questions about child and family therapy

What happens at the first visit?

A therapist will ask you and your child many questions. This helps them know how to best help your child.  During this visit, tell the therapist as much as you can about your child’s and family history, stressors, strengths, and difficulties. Tell the therapist what has worked in the past, and what has not. You and your child may also fill out some questionnaires.

Much of what happens early in therapy is for the therapist and child to develop trust with each other.  The child must feel safe, comfortable, and understood so they participate in the therapy activities that will help them get better.  

What is a mental health treatment plan?

A treatment plan is a written set of goals you, your child, and the therapist make during the first few visits. These goals help your child learn and practice new skills and behaviors. You and your child will work on these goals in therapy, at home, and in school. A treatment plan and goals will change during treatment as your child’s and family’s needs change.

How long does therapy last?

This too depends upon your child’s and family’s needs.  Therapy takes time to learn and make meaningful changes. You will not see immediate results. Some therapy may take many months. Coming to all scheduled appointments and working on the treatment plan at home helps. Talk to your child’s therapist about how long they think therapy may last.

What is the parent(s)/guardian(s) role in therapy?

You play a very important role!  To make the most of your child’s experience in therapy, please make sure you and your child make every scheduled visit. Tell the therapist about your child’s and your family’s progress and setbacks since the last visit. Share your concerns, questions, and feedback. Help your child work on their treatment plan goals between visits. Ask your child’s therapist for reading materials, online resources, or parent support groups. Therapy can be difficult; make sure to acknowledge their efforts and progress when you see it and support and guide them when they are struggling.

What if there is a problem in between therapy visits?

Call your therapist if you have concerns between visits. 
In the event of a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1.

How does the therapist know when my child is done with therapy?

Your child will likely be done with therapy when they meet all or most of their treatment plan goals. This means they are feeling and doing better! Everyone should agree that ending therapy is the best thing to do. You, your child, and the therapist will talk about how to know when it’s time for this to happen.

What happens when therapy is done?

The therapist will create a discharge plan with your input to help your child and family continue all of the great work that happened in therapy.  It may include post-discharge goals, resources, safety plans, and other helpful information. You can call anytime if you feel it is best for your child to return to therapy.