Viewing page 11 of 123 | showing results 101 - 110 of 1229

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    BiLevel positive airway pressure (BiPap) 1281

    This sheet explains why BiPAP is needed and how it is used.

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    Bivona tracheostomy tube cleaning 1264

    Learn how and when to clean a Bivona trach tube.

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    Bivona tracheostomy tube cleaning (Spanish)

    Learn how and when to clean a Bivona trach tube.

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    Blended liquid diet 2064

    This sheet discusses blending foods together to make them soft or a liquid so that children can swallow it without chewing. This diet is for children who have had craniofacial or dental

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    Blended liquid diet (Spanish)

    This sheet discusses blending foods together to make them soft or a liquid so that children can swallow it without chewing. This diet is for children who have had craniofacial or dental

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    Bolster dressing for G-tubes and J-tubes (3067)

    This dressing helps to keep your child's G-tube in place. It is used when some new tubes are placed. Learn how to make a bolster dressing.

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    Bolster dressing for G-tubes and J-tubes (Spanish) 3067

    This dressing helps to keep your child's G-tube in place. It is used when some new tubes are placed. Learn how to make a bolster dressing.

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    Bone density 1115

    A bone mineral density test uses x-rays to show how thick, or dense your child's bones are. Learn about bone density and if you child is at risk for broken bones.

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    Bone density (Spanish)

    A bone mineral density test uses x-rays to show how thick, or dense your child's bones are. Learn about bone density and if you child is at risk for broken bones.

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    Bone scan 1237

    A bone scan is a test used to look closely at bones and joints. Learn how a bone scan is done and why it may be needed.

Viewing page 11 of 123 | showing results 101 - 110 of 1229