(Teaching Sheets)
Choking phobia (Spanish)
After a scary choking incident, some children become afraid to eat or drink. Learn about choking phobia and how you can get help for your child.
(Teaching Sheets)
Cholysystectomy (1749)
Cholysystectomy is the name for a gall bladder removal. Learn more about this surgery and how to care for your child when you go home.
(Teaching Sheets)
Cholysystectomy (Spanish)
Cholysystectomy is the name for a gall bladder removal. Learn more about this surgery and how to care for your child when you go home.
(Teaching Sheets)
Chronic sinusitis 1472
Discusses sinusitis, an infection caused when chronic swelling blocks the flow of mucus through the nose or sinuses and causes bacteria to grow.
(Teaching Sheets)
Chronic sinusitis (Spanish) 1472
Discusses sinusitis, an infection caused when chronic swelling blocks the flow of mucus through the nose or sinuses and causes bacteria to grow.
(Teaching Sheets)
Chronic urticaria and angioedema 1773
Chronic urticaria is raised bumps or patches of itchy red skin. Angioedema is swelling that happens deeper in the skin. Patients have one or both of these problems. Learn more about and how they are treated.
(Teaching Sheets)
Chronic urticaria and angioedema (Spanish) 1773
La urticaria crónica son protuberancias o manchas rojas en la piel que dan comezón. El angioedema es la inflamación que ocurre a mayor profundidad en la piel. Los pacientes pueden tener uno o ambos problemas. Obtenga más información y cómo se tratan.
(Teaching Sheets)
CHW ICU video tour 1511
Get links to view Children's Wisconsin ( ICU video tours.
(Teaching Sheets)
Cleaning a chemo spill at home (1991)
If you are giving your child chemo therapy at home, you should know what to do in case of a spill. This teaching sheet explains the steps you need to take.
(Teaching Sheets)
Cleaning a Shiley tracheostomy tube 1263
Learn how and when to clean a Shiley trach tube.