Community reports showcase our commitment to children and families

Children’s Wisconsin is dedicated to pediatric care-giving, advocacy, research and education. We are proud of the work we do to improve the lives children and families and are pleased to report on our efforts.

At Children’s Wisconsin, we recognize our role and responsibility in improving community health. We are committed to investing our resources to ensure children and families receive the care, education and support they need to be healthy and well. We support the community through numerous programs and services that improve the health of children and strengthen families.

Community benefits report

In 2022, Children's invested more than $171 million in community benefits programs, services and activities. This includes $91.2 million in providing high quality care to kids covered by Medicaid. While this report reflects solely Children's investment in community benefits, we're also grateful for the support of our government and philanthropic partners that allows us to provide care, education, support and resources for kids and families across Wisconsin.

See our 2022 community benefits report.

  • Caring for those covered by Medicaid - $91,201,960
  • Health professions education - $29,290,238
  • Subsidized health services - $23,332,477
  • Community health improvement services - $14,759,470
  • Research - $9,813,731
  • Financial assistance/charity care - $1,189,883
  • Financial and in-kind contributions - $1,161,025
  • Community building activities - $286,669

Community benefits stories

Community health needs assessments

We focus many of our resources on improving the health outcomes of the children in greatest need in the areas served by our hospitals in Milwaukee and Neenah. These reports outline the needs of these communities and how we are addressing them.

Community services reports

Our community services programs impact thousands of children in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin each year. We are pleased to share information about the clients served through our programs and our financials.

Read our 2023 community services annual report