Psychosocial standards of care

Our team is committed to providing care consistent with the recommended standards of care in pediatric oncology.

Psychosocial assessment

  • Our social workers provide a frontline assessment of psychosocial needs for each family, with additional psychosocial providers involved as needed throughout treatment and beyond. 

Monitoring and assessment of neuropsychological outcomes

  • Neuropsychological assessment is provided by psychology or neuropsychology providers depending on each patient’s situation. Please speak with your medical team if you have concerns about your child’s thinking and learning skills.

Psychosocial follow-up in survivorship

  • Our team provides survivorship support both during the transition off of active treatment and for long-term survivors. 

Psychosocial interventions and therapeutic support

  • Our psychosocial team is a multidisciplinary group who utilize a variety of therapeutic techniques to assist with patient and family adjustment and coping.

Assessment of financial burden

  • Our social work team will work with your family to help provide guidance and support regarding financial concerns.

Care for parents of children with cancer

  • Our psychosocial team is committed to providing support to the entire family. Our psychosocial team members are available to meet with parents and caregivers to help provide support.

Anticipatory guidance and psychoeducation

  • Our psychosocial team will help you understand your diagnosis and what to expect through each stage of treatment and provide age appropriate teaching as needed.

Procedural preparation and support

Providing children and adolescents opportunities for social interaction

  • Staying connected to friends and building relationships with peers is very important. We host a variety of programs/events to help patients and families connect with one another and have a daily group on our inpatient unit to help provide peer connection.  

Supporting siblings

  • Our psychosocial team is committed to providing support to the entire family, and psychosocial team members are available to meet with siblings to help provide support.

Academic continuity and school reentry support

  • Our psychosocial team will help provide academic support during treatment and help with the transition back to school for children who miss time due to their treatment. 

Assessing medication adherence

  • We understand that there are many barriers to taking medication and will work with you and your medical team to help address any concerns. 

Palliative care

  • Our Quality of Life and Palliative Care Team assists with pain management, quality of life, and when needed, end of life support.

Bereavement follow-up after the death of a child

Communication, documentation, and training standards in pediatric psychosocial oncology 

  • Our psychosocial team has been uniquely trained to provide expertise in working with patients and families in a pediatric oncology setting. We are also committed to training the next generation of psychosocial providers.