Get a second opinion

With more information, you can make better choices to help your child

Children's Wisconsin can provide the expert opinion to verify or give more information about your child's original diagnosis.
  • We may be able to offer a different perspective and give more information.
  • We may also be able to offer treatment options that are not available at your current provider's location. 

Our treatment options are often more extensive than what is available at other hospitals

Upon referral, a pediatric specialist will review the options available with the parents to tailor the approach to the individual patient. Even if treatment has already started, a second opinion can help guide your child's care.

Most insurance plans cover second opinions, but it's always a good idea to check your coverage to be sure. If you need help with that, just call us at (414) 607-5280.

Contact us

If your child is recently diagnosed with urinary or fecal incontinence, consider getting a second opinion from the experts at Children's.

A second opinion from our doctors can confirm the original diagnosis, giving you added confidence and peace of mind. In some cases, we may provide new information or a different perspective about the diagnosis. Even if treatment has already started, a second opinion can help guide any change in your child’s care.

We welcome requests from anywhere in the U.S. and even from around the world. We can review your child's medical records and history and consult with your current doctor on diagnosis, care and treatment options.

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, call our Central Scheduling team or request an appointment online.

(877) 607-5280

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How sacral neuromodulation transformed Nika’s life


Embarrassing accidents. Social isolation. Constant anxiety and fear. This is what life is like for many kids with uncontrolled bladder and bowel disorders. But thanks to a small electronic device, whose use in kids was pioneered by Dr. Manu Sood and Dr. Hrair-George Mesrobian at Children’s Wisconsin, these kids are now able to live life and grow up like any other. Read Nika’s sacral neuromodulation story.