Meet Mira, 11, from Oconomowoc

Mira from Oconomowoc as one of Medicaid's faces

Mira has struggled with health issues her entire life, even before she even left the womb. Mira, a triplet (Vincent and Luke), was born premature at 30 weeks. While Vincent and Luke were born healthy, doctors warned that she might not survive. When she defied the odds, her parents named her Mira Cale -- miracle! Vincent and Luke grew out of their preemie issues, but Mira needed heart surgery and then was found to have renal acidosis. Her kidneys were not correcting the pH balance in her blood, which affects growth, heart, hormones, and other functions. Mira had a kidney transplant in May 2009.

From the outside, you never would suspect that Mira has been through all that she has. In Mira's short life span, she has already accomplished more than she will ever know. Today Mira is thriving and enjoying life. She enjoys tumbling, cartoon club, and playing fast pitch softball. The Raether family knows how important Medicaid is to their children's health—not only for Mira, but for their whole family. After her transplant, Mira quickly reached her lifetime insurance maximum. Having Medicaid support allowed Mira to obtain the life‐saving treatment she needed to be healthy and give her a chance at life.

Please keep Medicaid strong for kids like Mira!