Heart Safe youth sports program

If a sudden cardiac arrest would happen at a sporting event, would your local coaches and staff know how to properly respond? It is extremely important that youth sports programs have a plan in place so that coaches, referees, etc. can step in and help in the event of a cardiac emergency because during a sudden cardiac arrest, every second counts. Project ADAM will work with your youth sports program to put together a written action plan, ensure that coaches and staff are trained and ready to act in a cardiac emergency, confirm that AEDs are available and accessible, and conduct regular AED drills. Once youth sports program has taken all of the necessary steps to safeguard their teams, Project ADAM will designate them as Heart Safe.

Heart safe sports

What does it mean to be Heart Safe?

Your school is prepared, trained and empowered to take action during a sudden cardiac emergency, and has partnered with Project ADAM to:

  • Identify a CPR/AED trained emergency response team
  • Create an emergency response plan that activates the team during a sudden cardiac emergency
  • Run regular cardiac emergency response drills to test and improve your plan
Contact Project Adam

Take the first step towards making your own school Heart Safe and contact the Project ADAM team.

Contact us

Find all the resources you need to become Heart Safe.

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